Friday, March 11, 2011

Two Knocks

One of my favorite parts of missionary work is tracting. One apparent thing I have learned is that most people don't answer the first time we knock. It usually takes two. Why is this? As I have pondered for some reasoning behind this, something hit me. How often is the Savior knocking on my door and I'm not answering? How may times will it take to get my attention? Am I going to get off the couch and get my body in action? He's not going to stand out there forever. The decision is mine.
  The message we share is of great value and importance, just like the message Jesus is trying and wanting to share in this picture.  There is no handle for Him to "just walk in." There has to be effort on my part to simply walk over and open the door. It's amazing to feel the love, peace, comfort and support that comes immediately by simply choosing opening the door. So I re-dedicate myself and challenge you- Answer the door on the first knock. I know that as we do, so may blessing await. Answers to questions, a glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel, and that extra dose of faith we need to make it through the day will come. Remember: You are never alone. Christ is always on the other side of the door waiting with out stretch arms.

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