Friday, December 9, 2011

Reason for the Season

As stated in a previous post I love this time of the year. I love the decorations, the candy, music, and spirit that seems to fill the air that everyone whether they want to or not can notice. Most of all, I love the REASON for the Season. That being Jesus Christ.

Throughout my life I've had a chance see the difference in remembering the real reason for the season verses just going with the motions that come with this time of year. I've noticed that as I put the material things aside, and make it a point to focus on our Savior, Jesus Christ, and try to morefully do the things he would have me do, true happiness comes and more of the Holiday spirit is felt. Satan knows that if he can get you so caught up in the shopping and gift giving, which in reality can take up all of your time or stress you out to the max, that you forget the real reason why any of this is even happening. My challenge to you: kick Satan to the curb this month, and hopefully forever, and focus on the real meaning of why we have Christmas. Act on the feelings you get and I can promise happiness will feel you, and you will have a more enjoyable Holiday Season that will last the whole year through.

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